Bend and Brew - Saturday - That's right, come for a yoga class at The Alley Downtown Taproom in Aiken. 9:30 - 10:30 AM. Free Event.
Bullet Journal Boot Camp - Saturday - Learn how to bullet journal and create a fully functional and customizable planner for 2018. 10 AM - 12 PM at The Mission in Augusta, Hosted by Ever Crafty. Cost is $35 and includes a notebook and materials.
Bunco & Cornhole Tournament - Saturday - A night of bunco and cornhole in support of Ribbons of Hope ministry. $20 donations gets you a ticket to the tournament and supports families fighting cancer. 7 - 10 PM at St. Teresa of Avila Catholic Church.
First Friday Drop-In Wine Tasting - Friday - Drop In to Wine World in North Augusta to taste 3 whites and 3 reds from around the world. 5 - 8 PM at Wine World. Cost is $5.
First Friday Improv - Friday - Improv Comedy at Le Chat Noir by Augusta's premier improv comedy troupe. 10 PM show still has seats! Cost is $12.
HGTV's Renovate to Rent Conference - Friday - Learn from the hosts of the show about real estate investing. 12 - 3 PM at Hilton Garden Inn. Free Event.
Karate for Kids - Saturday - If your kids have been interested in enrolling in a martial arts class, Premier Martial Arts is offering a free Karate workshop to demonstrate the martial arts to them. Kids 5 - 12 years. 10 - 11:30 AM.
Movie Night - Friday - Free screening of SING at Pierce UMC in Augusta. Movie starts at 7 PM.
Movie: Victoria & Abdul - Saturday - Aiken County Public Library is hosting a free screening of Victoria & Abdul at 3 PM. Free Event.
Story Time Fridays - Friday - Help create a love of reading in your kids with Story Time at Aiken County Public Library for ages 0 - 5 years starting at 10:15 AM. Free Event.
Super Smart Girl Story Time - Sunday - The Super Smart Girl team will be at the Morris Museum of Art for story time and fun. 2 - 3 PM at the Morris Museum of ARt. Free Event.
Tiny Champs Free Karate Class - Saturday - Kids ages 3 and 4 can try our Karate for free at Premier Martial Arts. 9 AM at Premier Martial Arts in Grovetown. Free Event.
Women Like Us Documentary - Saturday - Uplifting and motivating documentary following lives of women around the globe will be at Regal Theater for one showing only at 7:30 PM. Tickets are $11.
YMCA Dance Lesson & Party - Friday - Dance the night away learning ballroom, swing and latin dance. First hour is a dance lesson followed by a dance party at 8 PM. 7 PM at the Wilson Family YMCA. Free for members, $5 lesson, $3 party or $8 for both for non-members!