Acrylics Made Easy - Saturday - Learn to work with acrylics and paint your own lowcountry landscape. No experience required, all supplies provided. Pack a lunch. 10 AM - 2 PM at the Aiken Center for the Arts. Cost is $60.
Candlelight Jazz - Sunday - Perfect way to end your weekend...pack a picnic and enjoy live Jazz music from American Jazz Combo at the Augusta Common from 7:30 - 9:30 PM. Cost is $8.
Cupcake Character Event - Saturday - Princess Poppy is making her way to the Sweet Suite Bakeshop in North Augusta for a Cupcake Character Pizza Party. Kids get to decorate 4 Troll inspired cupcakes, eat pizza, dance and have fun. Cost is $35 per kid. 12PM - 1:30 PM. Registration is required.
Fleet Feet Birthday Bash 8k Fun Run - Saturday - Celebrate with Fleet Feet Sports with an 8k Fun Run/Walk. Check-in starts at 7:15 AM, Race starts at 8 AM at Fleet Feet Sports. Free Event.
GreenJackets Military Appreciation Night - Saturday - Operation Teammate is attending the Augusta GreenJackets game at 6 PM celebrating military and first responders.
Kids in the Kitchen - Saturday - Helms college will guide young chefs to basic knife skills sauteing and roasting. They will prepare sauces and eat their creations. 10 AM at Helms College. Cost is $75.
Minecraft Fun - Friday - Fans can come out for crafts and games and a chance to win a Lego Minecraft set! For kids kindergarten through 5th grade. 3 - 4 PM at Nancy Carson Library in North Augusta. Free Event.
Rock Painting Picnic - Friday - Paint rocks with friends then enjoy the park and splash pad when you are done. Free paint and 1 rock per person. Additional rocks can be purchased. 11 AM - 12:30 PM at Evans Library Pavilion Park. Free event.
Soiree: Jazz & Wine - Saturday - You can get your fill of wine and Jazz music this weekend. Dress up and head to Jessye Normal School of the Arts for this month's live jazz performance with wines selected by the host. 7:30 PM.
Wine Tasting & Live Music - Saturday - Live entertainment while you taste wine and Italian dishes at DiVino in North Augusta. 7 - 10 PM. Cost is $39.95.