Anime & The Graphic Novel - Saturday - Kids 8 - 15 can learn the basic styles of anime drawing to illustrate their own story. No experience necessary, all supplied included. 10 AM - 12 PM at the Kroc Center. Cost is $40.
Baby and MORE Expo - Sunday - Head to the Legend's Club for everything baby! Informational and product booths, door prices and more. Admission is free but registration is required. 12 - 4 PM.
Be Our Valentine - Friday, Saturday - Stop by Southern Charm Vintage Decor for chocolate fountain, boxed wine, shopping, 80's love songs and more.
Be Our Valentine Fun Run - Saturday - Fun run/walk of 3-5 miles starting at Fleet Feet Sports. End the race with shoe demos, mimosas and Valentine's Day treats and fun. Free Event.
Cookies & Canvas - Saturday - Kids 5 and older can paint their very own canvas while enjoying cookies. 10 AM - 12 PM at Aiken Center for The Arts. Cost is $25.
CSRA Heart Ball - Celebrate the work and mission of the American Heart Association. 5:30 - 10 PM at the Augusta Marriott downtown.
Dr. Seuss on the Loose - Saturday - Family fun run including story time with The Cat in the Hat, Inflatables, kid's obstacle course and tours of the Signal Corp Museum at Fort Gordon. Free Event.
East Augusta Cleanup - Saturday - Help beautify and clean up Augusta! Bring your gloves, buckets, bags and trash grabber or just show up if you don't have any of those items. 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM at 2 Green Street.
Family Dance Party - Saturday - Saint Teresa of Avila Bandstand through the ages. Dance party for the whole family. Dress up as your favorite musical period. Free pizza and soft drinks. 6 - 10 PM at St. Teresa of Avila Catholic Church.
Free Pancake Breakfast - Saturday - Timms Harley-Davidson of Augusta will have a free pancake breakfast before they go for a ride. 9 AM - 11 AM.
Garden Volunteers: Master's Table - Saturday - Augusta Locally Grown is helping with the Master's Table Gardens. Bring your gloves and some muscles. All ages are invited to come out and help. 9 AM - 12 PM at 702 Fenwick Street.
Intro to Stained Glass - Saturday - Learn concepts, design, cutting, copper foiling and soldering to make your own stained glass. 1 - 5 PM at Art & Soul of Aiken. Cost is $40 and includes materials and use of equipment.
Kid's Valentine's Day Gingerbread House Class - Saturday - The Sweet Suite Bakeshop in Grovetown is hosting a class to decorate a Valentine's Day Gingerbread House. All materials included. Ages 4 and up. Cost is $20. Registration is required.
Mardi Gras Day Parade - Saturday - Barton Field at Fort Gordon from 11 AM - 12:30 PM for the MArdi Gras Parade. Free Event.
Mardi Gras in Aiken - Friday - Downtown Aiken is celebrating Mardi Gras. Night of creole cuisine, beer and dancing the night away with live music. Parade begins at 6 PM. Free Admission. Food & Beer are cash only.
Mom's Night Out - Friday - Kid to Kid in Evans invites you to head to the store for a night out with drinks, cupcakes, discounts on merchandise and free raffle tickets to win gift cards. 7 - 9 PM at Kid to Kid. Free Event.
Panther 5k - Saturday - Get some exercise while supporting Ovarian Cancer research. 9 AM at 533 Blue Ridge Drive in Evans.
Run for the World 5k and Fun Run - Saturday - Redeemer Church is hosting a 5k and fun run to support local and worldwide missions. Cost is $25-$35.
Saturday Adoption Event - Saturday - Columbia County Animal Services is having a PAWsome Saturday adoption event from 11 AM - 2 PM.
Speedster Night Out - Saturday - Kids 4 and up can zoom to the rescue for a fun parent's night out event at Seigler's Karate Center. Pizza and Drinks are included. 6 - 10 PM. Cost is $20.
Storybook Brunch - Saturday - Kids and parents can enjoy a breakfast buffet while their favorite characters from storybooks come to live and lead a parade then stick around for photos. Tickets are $20. Registration is required. 11 AM - 12 PM at First Baptist Church of Augusta.
Sweetheart Dance - Friday - Sweetheart Dance for the young at heart. heavy hors d'oeuvres, lively music and fun. Semi-formal attire. 7 - 10 PM at Headquarters Library on Telfair. Tickets are $15.
The Black Market Trust Live - Friday - Hear the swinging sounds of The Black Market Trust performing at the Jabez Sanford Hardin Performing Arts Center in Evans. 7:30 PM. Tickets are $39.50.
Valentine's Day Family Brunch - Sunday - Woodside Plantation Country Club will have a special Valentine's Day Brunch. 10 AM - 1:30 PM. Brunch is $22 adults, $10 kids.
Valentine's Outing - Saturday - Bring your princess for Karaoke, face painting, photo booth and cupcake decorating. 4 - 5:30 PM at Tiaras & Pearls. Cost is $35 for one parent and child, each additional child is $20. Tickets need to be purchased in advance.
Valentine's Sewing Party - Saturday - Learn to sew a heart shaped pillow and enjoy refreshments. 10 AM - 12 PM at My Best Friend's Sewing Room. Cost is $30.
Writer's Weekend - Saturday - Augusta University's Create Writing Program presents a weekend of award-winning authors and teachers discussing elements of craft and reading their original works. 9 AM - 7 PM. Free Event.